Saturday 18 February 2012

Carrot and Oatmeal Soup

From The Vegan Diet: True Vegetarian Cookery, David Scott and Claire Golding, Rider & Company, 1985.

I had not cooked from this book very often though it has been on the shelf for quite a long time. Browsing through the books standing on my cookery shelf I came across it again and thought it was time to look at it once more.

The soup was easy to make. Onion, garlic and chopped rosemary were sautéed for a few minutes. The chopped carrots and some curry powder were then added to the pan along with water (the recipe calls for water and not stock). Once this all came to the boil the oatmeal was added. When the carrots were cooked the mixture was puréed with the stick blender and seasonings were added.

This soup ended up exactly as it sounded from its name: an ordinary, rather dull eat. I wonder why I decided to actually make it. Sometimes a decision is made because of what is available in the pantry; sometimes this is not the best decision.

Taste: ✔✔
Ease of cooking: ✔✔✔✔

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