From The Urban Cook, Mark Jensen, Murdoch
Books, 2011.

recipe was printed on a muddy brown background overprinted on a photograph that
made it far from easy to read. It would have been better for me to have abandoned it
before I started but stubbornness prevailed.
Firstly a
syrup had to be made. It was just sugar and water brought to the boil and left
to cool when the sugar had dissolved. Frangelico was added to flavour the
Next a
hazelnut cream was on the list. This was made by creaming butter and icing
sugar until it was fluffy, then stirring in crushed roasted hazelnuts.
The cake
was next. Butter, chocolate, sugar, whisky and coffee were placed in a bowl
with some hot water. The bowl was then placed over a saucepan with simmering
water. When the butter and chocolate had melted the mixture was stirred until
the sugar had dissolved. Once this was done the bowl was removed from the
saucepan and in went a mixture of cocoa and both plain and self-raising flour.
They were beaten until smooth and, when cool, a beaten egg was added.
mixture was poured into a baking tray that had been lined with baking paper. It
was a thin cake, only about 1cm thick.
When the
cake was cooked it was left to cool for a few minutes then turned out. There
then followed a detailed description of how the cake was to be constructed,
with syrup brushed on and the cream spread over before it was rolled up. I did
not manage this entirely well as the cake managed to break up a little in the
The cake
turned out to be a big disappointment. It was just far too sweet to be
enjoyable. We had one helping each and then the remainder was thrown out
because we just couldn’t face it again.
Taste: ✔
Ease of
cooking: ✔✔✔✔✔
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