Sunday 1 July 2012

Tamarind Tempeh with Sesame Noodles and Shredded Greens

From Vegetarian, Alice Hart, Murdoch Books, 2011.

Before I began this dish I needed to make some gomashio. This was made by heating some salt in a frying pan until it turned a little grey in colour. It was then tipped in a mortar and sesame seeds were now heated in the pan until they gave off a fragrant smell. These went into the mortar and were pounded with the salt until they had broken down somewhat but not completely. This was the gomashio.

The tempeh for the dish had to be marinated for about half an hour. It was cut up into bite-sized slices and mixed with a little grated ginger, the zest of an orange, some honey, some tamarind puree and a little soy sauce.

The noodles were cooked and drained. They had a little sesame oil added so as they did not stick together.

Some olive oil was added to a wok and, when hot, the tempeh was added and stir fried until it was browned. It was then placed aside.

More oil was added to the wok and a little grated ginger, a chopped green chilli and a chopped garlic clove were added. These were cooked for a minute or two and then shredded bok choi was added for a minute. The tempeh was returned to the pan with the juice of an orange. As soon as the bok choi had wilted the noodles were added and tossed. The dish was now ready to serve.

It was served on plates with a touch or two of sesame oil, a sprinkling of gomashio and some sliced spring onions.

Tempeh is not my most favourite ingredient but the marinade went some way to making it much more acceptable. For me, this was a reasonable dish though not one to become a favourite. I really like the gomashio and have since used it sprinkled on a variety of items.

Taste: ✔✔✔
Ease of cooking: ✔✔✔

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