From Great Vegetarian Food, The Australian
Women’s Weekly, ACP Publishing, 2001.
The first
task for this dish was to make the flan. Three-quarters of a cup of basmati
rice was boiled until done. It was then left to cool a little and a half onion
was chopped finely and added. Also into this mix went: half a teaspoon chilli
flakes, about half a cup grated parmesan, a beaten egg and a handful parsley
chopped finely. This was mixed well and pressed into the base and up the sides
of a 19cm square cake tin that had been lined with baking paper. The flan case
now went into the refrigerator until the filling was ready.
Three leeks were sliced finely and went into a pan with a good slice of butter. With them went about a tablespoon grated fresh ginger and a good handful of finely chopped parsley. These were sautéed until soft, then left to cool. Now three beaten eggs and a cup of cream were stirred into the vegetables and they were filled into the rice flan case. It all went into a 190ºC oven for about 45 minutes until cooked.

Taste: ✔✔✔
Ease of cooking: ✔✔✔
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