From a la grecque: our Greek table, Pam
Talimanidis, Hardie Grant Books, 2009.
I don’t
usually do much cake baking but this lemon yoghurt cake appealed.
I turned
on the oven to heat to 180ºC and then took out the electric mixer. In it went
125g softened butter and 220g caster sugar. These were beaten until they had
combined and become pale. I then added two eggs and beat them in one at a time.
Once this was done I added 250ml yoghurt, 3 tablespoons lemon juice and the
zest of a lemon. Once these were combined well 430g self-raising flour and ½
teaspoon bicarbonate of soda went in. This made quite a firm mixture. I placed
it in a lined spring-form tin to bake in the oven for 45 minutes.

This was a
very dry cake, even with the syrup. In fact the next day I had to make up
another batch of syrup to pour over. This improved it somewhat. I was
disappointed with the cake as the flavour, despite the lemon juice and zest,
was lacking and it was very dry. It was improved a little with the
extra syrup but that was not enough to really save it.
Taste: ✔✔
Ease of
cooking: ✔✔✔✔
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