From Fields
of Greens, Annie Somerville, Bantam Books, 1993.

For this dish I needed to cook the polenta
first. I brought three cups water to the boil and added ½ teaspoon salt to the
water. When it was boiling well I poured in ¾ cup polenta, whisking it as it
went in. It was now a matter of cooking it for ¾ hour while stirring
frequently. While it was cooking I added some grindings of black pepper and a
pinch of cayenne. When it was done I stirred in a tablespoon butter and about ½
cup grated parmesan cheese. It was now poured into a greased tray to let it set
and get cool.
The tomato sauce was now made. I chopped two
shallots and two garlic cloves and added them to a small saucepan to cook in a
little olive oil. While it was cooking I sprinkled in ¼ teaspoon dried basil. When
the onion was softened about ¼ cup red wine was stirred in and left to cook
until almost all gone. Now a can of tomatoes and a bay leaf were added and
brought to the boil. They were left to simmer for about half an hour. The
tomatoes were broken up while they were cooking to reduce them to smaller
pieces. The bay leaf was removed and the sauce checked for seasoning. It needed
a little sugar to cut back the sharpness.
Now two cups corn kernels were added to a pan
to cook for a few minutes in a little butter. As they were cooking I cut two
tomatoes in halves and removed the seeds. They were then cut into pieces,
placed in a bowl and a little olive oil dribbled over them and a sprinkling of
salt. When the corn was cooked it was added to the tomatoes with some chopped
basil and chopped jalapeño chilli.

Taste: ✔✔✔✔
Ease of
cooking: ✔✔
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